Friday, January 6, 2012

We had the pre op appointment today and it went well. I feel very reassured that it is indeed a septum and not a bicornate uterus, as other doctors thought it was. He was able to show us pictures from my sonohysterogram to show me that the uterus is completely normal on the outside. He also wrote me about six prescriptions for antibiotics, pain meds, and birth control!

Yes. I said birth control. Taking that pill today made me crack up! It's to keep my lining thin for surgery but, it's still funny! And, he told us to use back up protection...really? I wouldn't be here if I needed back up protection!

So, we are all set to have a new bionic and modified uterus! He feels very hopeful that this surgery will help. We also talked about upping my doses of fertility meds the next time. I have weird things going on with my hormones and he thinks that different (read:higher) doses will also help. Oh, and my progesterone sucked. So, I'll get a booster shot to help with that after the iui. Of course, we will be waiting until somewhere in the middle of February before any of this gets started back up any way, but hopefully it will all be worth it in the end. I know I'd do it all over again if it leads to a baby.

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