Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Mental Block

After my miscarriage in 2006, I questioned my ability to be able to stay pregnant. I think it's a fear that I've had a hard time letting go of. But, while driving home yesterday, I had the realization that I have indeed carried a pregnancy to full term and now with my body in better shape with my septum fixed, I can certainly do it again. It actually made me realize that infertility has become my fallback when another cycle fails. But, now I need to make my mind realize that it's okay to be pregnant and that I can and will do it. Next month is our very last cycle of treatments. On one hand, that's scary. On the other hand, it's a relief to know that this does have a finish line. I just pray that my real finish line is in 10 months after my last cycle is a success and I'm holding a healthy baby in my arms.

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