Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Endo diet, hunger, and cancer memories...blah.

The endo diet sucks huge butt. I'm starving. I'm trying to stick as closely to it as I can to help with inflammation since ovulating one egg on my own and AF are horrible. So, anything I can do to help during IVF is a plus. I'm in desperate need of something with sugar and/or caffeine. A LOT of caffeine. Or a LOT of sugar. Maybe a little of each? Blah. I'm hungry. Starving! Nothing I eat has really filled me up...I'll try again tomorrow!

On a positive note, Lupron is on board! The first injection last night went textbook perfect. But, not to brag, after many years of doing our own injections, we're quite the pros. I take my spot leaning against the counter (in case I pass out) the hubs pinches me gut fat and stabs me with a needle. Sometimes he's in a hurry (ouch!) and sometimes not (preferred!). Last night, he did a-ok. But, I was so excited to just be doing something new that it could have hurt like crazy and I probably wouldn't have cared. Hopefully, the med is doing whatever it's supposed to be doing and no follies are getting too amped up before next weekend.

On an AMAZING note, a co-worker/friend just found out today that a spot she had removed a few weeks ago, although melanoma, was ALL removed! No further treatment! I couldn't be more elated for her. Five years ago, she fought stage 4 melanoma and kicked it's butt! However, my heart just broke for her knowing what she could be facing again. While I'll never ever say that I am glad that I had cancer, I am so glad that I understood exactly what she was going through these last few weeks waiting for her results. That was honestly the longest wait of my entire life. I am so happy she can put this behind her and enjoy her Summer with her family!

Speaking of cancer, I am was worried about my cervical length after having the cone biopsy. So, at my appointment yesterday, I asked our RE if he would entertain me and just measure it for my sanity. It measured in at 3.5 mm/cm (something or other, I really have no idea) and he said that was perfect. He also explained that what was left was all healthy cervix and because of that, we have no cervical competency issues to worry about. Thank the Lord! What a huge relief. You have no idea how heavy this has weighed on my mind.

Just to share, here is a picture of this past Christmas. We look so crazy happy! Oddly enough, this was two days before I had my cancer removed and I was an anxious mess. Infertility sure taught me how to hide my emotions. I'm working on letting that wall down, I promise!

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