Friday, April 20, 2012


Nothing. Not one symptom. It's really odd. I'm using progesterone and no sore weird. Usually, the progesterone (or so I assume) makes them soooo sore that I can't even lay on them. Of course, those cycles didn't end very well, so I guess things not going exactly the same way isn't necessarily a bad thing.

In honor of next week being National Infertility Awareness Week, I was pretty open with a couple of people about my infertility today. It felt so great! I wasn't as embarrassed as I thought I'd be and they didn't look at me like I was less of a woman for having a defective uterus. The first lady asked how my surgery follow up appointments were going. I'd been telling people that all gazillion of my appointments were for follow ups from my surgery in January. I'm not sure how many people they know that have that many follow up appointments, but they bought it. Well, I came clean and told her were were also doing some fertility treatments because we'd been having a very hard time conceiving over the last eight years. She was so kind and promised that she'd pray for a baby for us. Then, when I went to the lab to get my cd 21 progesterone draw I knew the lady who registered me. She has registered me a bazillion times over the years for either progesterone or beta draws. She said, "My goodness, did you get pregnant with your son easily?" I decided not to take the defensive route and told her that he was quite the pleasant surprise and we'd been trying for a few years now for number two. Again, super supportive.

While I was hoping for next week to be a learning experience for others to learn about how infertility affects people, it might just teach me that people are much kinder and have much larger hearts than I give them credit for.

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