Friday, March 21, 2014

IVF #2 is officially underway!

Here we go! Again! Although the doc today said that he's never seen a cyst that big be reabsorbed in a week, I proved that it can be done! I knew it ruptured after the last u/s, but I kept feeling twinges that made me second guess myself this week. But, all of the worrying was for nothing. It went from 4cm to less than 1cm in one week! Go me!

My E2 needed to come back less than 50 and it was only 35! So, with that, we're on! I still cannot even believe that I'm doing this again. Stims will start tomorrow. I'm starting with 200 units of Follistim, 10 units of low-dose Hcg, and 5 units of Lupron. My next appointment is for blood work on Monday. Hopefully, my E2 decides to behave this time.

Like that, we're ready to do IVF/ICSI #2! That's how I'm spending my Spring Break week! Not too shabby.

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