Sunday, March 30, 2014

stim day 8? or 9...oh shit.

Day 9 already? How did that happen?! I refuse to get excited until after these eggs are out of me. Then, I'll get excited. Still having irrational fears of things bursting inside of me before ER.

I feel okay though. So, of course that has me scared that something is wrong. See, I'm not right. I should be happy that I feel better this time. But, no.

Tomorrow, we'll find out when our ER will be. Hopefully, it will be on Wednesday. Then, I'll get a nice long weekend all doped up and constipated from anesthesia. Oh the fun I have to look forward to. TMI warning, but after any procedure where I have anesthesia, it's 5 days before I can "move" things. It is horrible. And, when I do, I feel like I'm about to die. Or crap out my liver. Can you do that? It's so horrible. Horrible.

After I had Ayden? I can't even talk about that. After my laps? I've actually had to call the doc on the weekend on his emergency number because my pooper wasn't working and I thought I was going to DIE. Since then, I've learned to start taking stool softeners before any procedure...Therefore, I have a huge stockpile of them in my cabinet. If some random person was snooping through my medicine cabinet? Well, they should mind their own business anyway.

You're all very welcome for this TMI post. However, if you are reading this because you're about to do IVF, you're in the middle of IVF, or you're considering it in your distant future, trust me when I say that stool softeners are your friend. I'll start downing them myself tomorrow.

While we're playing the TMI game:

Check out this bloat and the bruises. That's one bloated gut people. Nice, huh?

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