Friday, March 7, 2014

Shooting up at a middle school concert because, that's normal.

Today will be day 4 of Lupron. So far, headaches are more of just a dull ache, but it only happens in the evening. If I drink tons of water, I'm ok really. If I take advil, I'm even better. But, drinking tons of water and not having a break from kids does NOT work well. Just take my word.

Yesterday was a first. I felt like a drug addict. My kids had a Blues Fair last night and I went to help them out. There was also a choir concert going on at the same time.

Knowing I'd need to give myself my Lupron shot during the time I was there, the night before the concert, I packed my little lunch bag with a couple of ice packs, loaded up my syringe and put it in a baggie with a couple of  alcohol wipes.

It never occurred to me that other people would be in the bathroom while I was shooting up, nor did it occur to me that these "people" would be giggling teenage girls. Talk about feeling guilty for hiding something that wasn't even illegal.

I was afraid that one of them would look through the cracks in the stall, see this teacher with a syringe stuck in her and run out and tell her mom that her teacher must do drugs and she was in the bathroom at this very minute getting her fix.

That was the quickest injection I've ever given. Ever.

When I walked out of the stall, I put my, "Nothing going on here" face on, washed my hands and went back to the Blues Fair. No one ever said a word. Maybe I'll get an email from my principal next week.

Tomorrow is my last BCP. Yay for moving on to the next phase! I am really excited. I'm also NOT sticking to my endo/anti-inflammatory diet. Not even close. My attitude at this point is that there is NO WAY food can cause me to get pregnant or not to get pregnant. And, if I want a donut for breakfast on Friday from the teacher's lounge, I'm just gonna have one. And, it was good. So there. And, I don't feel guilty. The End.

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