I finally got a good night's sleep last night. I have been so restless lately, probably because I worry too much.
Today is my last day off of work to just relax and let these embryos do their thing. Only one person at work knows why I've been off, so the questions on my whereabouts will be annoying. I need a good lie. I'm a horrible liar. How about "Mind your own business nosey?" Will that work?
As for symptoms, I'm pretty sure everything can be attributed to PIO and my giant ovaries. Yesterday, I was pretty crampy. It lasted most of the day and because it was freaking me out and I instantly thought my body was kicking my embryos out, I called my RE. Yep. I was that girl. However, I paid a lot of money to be that girl.
My instructions were to take it easy and keep my feet up. So, I did. The hubs did everything for me. It was lovely. I think I should be crampy again today :) I was also told I could take Tylenol, which helped my ovaries shut up nicely.
Today, I woke up feeling like shit. If I enjoyed puking, I'd force myself to puke because I think it would make my day go better. I'm sure that's from the PIO. Too early for anything else, but I feel like a huge ball of crap.
And, most importantly, my hair looks disgusting. I need a shower. But, I'm scared to stand for too long. Or scared that I'll slip and fall in the shower. When is the last time that's happened? Never. But, you just don't know. Today, could be the day.
Today, if this is going to work, implantation should happen. So, I'll shower tomorrow after these little ones have a chance to get a good grip and hold on for the long haul. Plus, I have to go to work tomorrow. If I showed up like this? Yikes. Everyone would think I just got discharged from the psyc ward.
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