Sunday, April 13, 2014


Finally, I'm at the point in the 2ww where I feel like it goes faster. That first week is a killer. Honestly, today I really have no feeling one way or the other as to if this worked or not. I, of course, want it to work desperately, but there really is just no way of knowing at this point. So, that sucks.

We had a great time at the game yesterday. The weather was amazingly sunny and we went with some great friends. We had great seats and really enjoyed people watching. People are weird. Really weird. Everyone in my family is sunburnt and it let's me know that Summer is almost here. Thank goodness.

Unfortunately, my insides let me know there were there all day yesterday. I was so crampy. All day. Bad period-like cramps. This morning, I seem to be fine. So, like I told my hubs, the cramps were either a bad sign or a good sign. I don't really remember if I had them before, but even if didn't it may or may not mean a darn thing.

Also, this PIO has my boobs so flipping sore. They were like this before ET, so I know it's from the meds, but it's bad and just keeps getting worse.

And, my ass is so bruised from PIO. I keep telling the hubs that he's not doing it in the right spot. He won't listen. Now my backside is paying for it. Just my left cheek. It's one giant bruise. I think I'll circle the allowable PIO spots on my hips to guide his needle entry because it hurts to sit or lay or stand.

Today the plan is church and grocery shopping before we starve. I'm not exactly sure if I went to the store this past week. My mind was a little preoccupied.

Oh, and the hubs got his passport! This means he'll be a contractor overseas for the month of May. The job is perfectly safe and in a crazy safe place and the money is amazing, so I'm excited for him! We'll miss the snot out of him, but the money makes it very worth it.

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