Saturday, April 12, 2014

Seriously. We make cute kids...or we did one time.

I am obsessed with this picture lately.

I mean. For real? How can it be legal to have that much cuteness in one picture?? I was looking through old pictures on Fac.ebook the other day and found this one of Ayden when he was just 4. Sweet heavens, where does time go?

This was his first Indians baseball game and he loved it! (Look at his little disposable camera. Ha!) I remember this game like it was yesterday. He was so amazed to see the field, the players, the food. Oh wait. I'm the one who likes the food. Well, anyway, after seeing this picture, I decided that I wanted needed to do something with my boys this weekend to get my mind off of the obvious. So, we are going to the Ohio State Spring game today. Go Bucks! I bet they win. Oh. Wait.

I've gone back and forth a zillion times on whether I should go or just let my boys go. I'm afraid to walk to much and mess things up. Then, reality sets in and I realize that I did that the last two transfers and it didn't really help things. So, screw it. I'm going to have fun damn' it. Plus, I'll be so mad at myself if I don't go and this IVF doesn't even work and I missed out on the game. It was my idea in the first place for goodness sakes and I bought the tickets. So, I'm going.

This morning I have cramps and a backache. Probably signs of doom. Or signs that I have to poop. Seriously, the constipation this time is out of control. Stupid drugs. Most likely, they're signs that my embryos have vacated the building and my uterine lining is getting ready to follow suit. I can hardly wait. If my clinic was normal, they'd let me do my beta on Wednesday. But, my clinic likes to torture it's patients and they're making me wait until Friday. Chad and I decided to POAS on Thursday morning. I just can't let my first reality check that this didn't work be my nurse on the other end of the phone. Of course, POAS will ruin my entire day, but it's not the first time. And, since we're talking POAS, don't they come in packs of 2? Yes. I think they do. I should probably use one on Wednesday, too. Then, I can ruin two days. I sure know how to have fun. Beta or bust my ass! I'm terribly impatient!

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