Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Good for another year!

Our meeting went great! This is the 4th time we've done one of these meetings. Last year was a complete redo, which is a pain in the butt! We're glad that this year we only have to get a couple of papers together and not do the fire inspection, etc.  However, that doesn't mean we cleaned any less, including in weird place where she'll never even look. Basically, for the update, she walks through the house, checks out where the child will sleep, and that's it. Although, this year, she actually walked into the nursery room where in the past, she just peeks in. She wanted to be sure she was able to tell the other workers at the meeting next week that we already have a place ready for this toddler to sleep.

After she was done updating our paperwork, I began asking a zillion questions about the baby (who will be a toddler when all is said and done) and how the process will work. Basically, THIS MONDAY, the three case workers who deal with adoption will bring two of their families' home studies to a matching conference. The workers and the child's CASA worker will review all of the home studies and narrow it down to 2-3 families. In rare cases, they could just pick one, but our worker thinks that the child's worker will want to 2-3. Then, those 2-3 families will be interviewed by the foster/adopt supervisor, the CASA worker, and the child's case worker. The child's worker has 90 days from this Monday to make a final decision. So, by the end of October, we'll know. Nerve wracking? A little. But, I just have to pray that God will put His hand in this and this little child is supposed to be our baby. Patience isn't my thing, but I better figure it out or it'll be a LONG three months!

Our worker said that "if" she was able to rank the families being presented, we'd be at the top. Now, she didn't have to say this, but she did. So, I'm led to believe that she really believes it. She said, of the families, we've been waiting the longest and our schedules allow for a new child easier than her other family. So, of course, I talked us up a bit, and she promised to keep us in the loop. Then, meeting number four was over. In total, it lasted 40 minutes. I wanted to keep her here to continue talking about our family and why we'd be perfect, but I have to trust that she has our best interest at heart, as well as the child's, and she will do her best to speak for us. She said on Monday, after the meeting, she'll call us and let us know how things went. She thinks she'll have a pretty good idea of who will be selected from the meeting on Monday.

So, Chad and I made the decision to put the FET off until we see this through. We just have to. This child deserves our full attention and our embryos aren't going anywhere! I can't fathom going through the FET, it being successful, and trying to get to know a new toddler all at the same time. It's not fair to anyone involved. Plus, I really, really, really don't want to be pregnant when we go to my sister-in-laws wedding this October. I would be anxious about something happening and being so far away from our doctor. If we are selected, then we'll definitely put it off even longer.

So, for our attempt at expanding our family everything is up in the air, right where I dislike it, but oddly, I'm more relaxed about this then I've been about anything before. I truly believe that God has brought us through all of this to bring us here, right where we're supposed to be, but never where I thought we'd be. Life is funny like that.

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